Wednesday, May 19, 2010

War Heroes, or They Stormed Toys 'R' Us in Operation Toys 4 Tots

If the Demon-crats had any scruples, they would denounce Blumenthal for his war veteran claims. I guess “Toys For Tots” can get rather brutal when you bring toys to a roomful of tots, but nothing anyone can’t survive. Wasn’t it in 2004 when Demon-crats fabricated documents trying to shame George W. Bush’s record during the Vietnam War? I never heard W. try to claim his war record was anything other than it was.

But I guess when the Demon-crats hold up John “Three Paper Cuts” Kerry as a war hero (one who also turned on his fellow soldiers by calling them war criminals), then I can see where the left is coming from. In their mind, “Operation Toys For Tots” is the only thing the military should be doing.

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